Remembering Baby Fae

Twenty-five years ago, California's Dr. Leonard Bailey transplanted a baboon heart into human infant Baby Fae. The interspecies heart transplant generated headlines and ethical debates.

Unhealthy heart: Baby Fae find photos was born in 1984 with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. After receiving the baboon heart, Baby Fae lived this long. She was the first infant to get a nonhuman heart transplant.

Primate provider: Where did Bailey find the baboon?

Moral storm: Baby Fae's operation sparked animal rights protests and medical ethics debates.

Heartfelt success: Although baboon hearts are no longer used, human pediatric heart transplants are now possible.

Just Fae: For privacy, the hospital identified the baby only by her middle name, Fae. Her first name was Stephanie. Years later, her mother revealed the family surname.

Life goes on: Baby Fae's mom, Teresa, attends college in Kansas. Bailey still works at the same hospital (doing what?).

Fae on film: Bailey will mark the 25th anniversary by introducing the documentary "Stephanie's Heart: The Story of Baby Fae." Watch the trailer.