A Little Night Music's Hunter Ryan Herdlicka.

Hunter Ryan Herdlicka
We are happy to welcome guest celebrity blogger Hunter Ryan Herdlicka, who plays Henrik in the Tony-nominated revival of A Little Night Music, which will reopen after a brief hiatus July 13 with two new stars, Bernadette Peters and Elaine Stritch. Herdlicka, who will make his solo cabaret concert debut June 27 at Feinstein’s at Loews Regency, is blogging for Playbill.com all week; his final entry follows: Hey everyone....
I can’t believe a week has already gone by and it’s time to end my blog on Playbill. I have gotten such amazing feedback from readers, and I thank you all for reading...
So, it’s Friday – the end of a work week for many, and the start of a busy weekend for many actors two show days can be grueling. It has been such a gift that Night Music has been on hiatus while I’m rehearsing for my solo concert at Feinstein’s, which is this Sunday at 8 PM! Tickets are nearly sold out, and I’m glad to hear that many of you will be there.

Today is a busy day. I’m up early so that I can get all of my errands out of the way before my entire family gets into town (my parents and grandparents). For now, I’m off to get my haircut then to Ripley Grier for a two-hour rehearsal for my concert, then off to see Promises, Promises with my family. I’ve already seen the show, but wanted to go back because I knew my family would love it and I am obsessed with Katie’s owl noises. Katie Finneran is truly incredible and completely steals the show – her performance is worth the price of admission.

Since this is my last blog, I wanted to share with you all a quote I keep in my dressing room. It’s one that was given to me by Michael Cerveris, who is one of the best actors I’ve known.

The quote was written by Martha Graham to Agnes DeMille:

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action. And because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you…..no artist is pleased…there is only a queer divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than others.

I think this sums up what it means to be an artist. Ms. Graham demands that you not judge yourself, but that you recognize the “divine dissatisfaction” that keeps you working and striving for your dreams. It reminds you that being an artist is a very special gift that not everyone has been given; you must not take it for granted.

Thank you all reading this week and please check out my website so that we can stay in touch...

All the best,