Welcome Laila Ali News Birth to a Baby Girl

Laila Ali Gives Birth to a Baby Girl, Ali, the daughter of boxing legend Muhammad Ali, welcomed a new member to her family on Monday morning.
 Laila Ali Baby Photo Laila Ali Son Curtis Conway Jr. Picture
 "I had my baby girl this morning! Sydney arrived on her due date at 3am! Everyone is happy and healthy."
The new addition is Ali's second child.  She and husband, former NFL player, Curtis Conway have a 2-year-old son, Curtis Muhammad Conway, Jr.
"After a long day of labor, I had a healthy baby girl, Sydney J. Conway," Ali told Us Magazine. "We are both very tired, but we fell in love the moment we laid eyes on each other. I feel so blessed and overwhelmed with love and excitement. Can't wait to get to know her!"
With athletic genes in this family, baby Sydney and young Curtis, Jr. may be two sports names to look for in the future.
On one side of the family is a former NFL wide receiver father picked in the first-round draft.  While on the other side, is grandfather that was the best heavyweight the world has ever seen and a mother that could hold her own in a boxing ring as well.
This new birth could be a blessing not just for the Conways but also for sports fans everywhere......