Blind gossip!
1) “This very talented, multi-award-winning performer has long been the subject of comments about her unconventional looks. And it’s more than a coincidence that, in most of her films, her leading man must proclaim their admiration of her beauty. She insists on it. And this is a girl who always gets her way. As the years have passed, it’s been harder to compel people to provide her with constant reassurance of her physical beauty. So she recently went in for a full facelift. You’ll see it soon enough as she has a new project coming out, and will likely be making the usual rounds of talk shows. Try not to let your jaw (or your nose, or your cheeks, or your “A”) drop when you see her face. It’s so smooth that it’s not even funny.” [Blind Gossip]
2) “Which hip-hop star is spending his time sitting at a corner table at nightclubs to see how the youth are responding to his music because he’s scared he is getting old and out of touch?” [NewYorkPost]